Alerzo shop


B2B e-commerce

Alerzo shop


B2B e-commerce

Alerzo shop


B2B e-commerce

Alerzo shop


B2B e-commerce

Hundreds of thousands of retailers and small businesses across Nigeria use Alerzoshop to stock up their shops daily.

Hundreds of thousands of retailers and small businesses across Nigeria use Alerzoshop to stock up their shops daily.

Hundreds of thousands of retailers and small businesses across Nigeria use Alerzoshop to stock up their shops daily.

Hundreds of thousands of retailers and small businesses across Nigeria use Alerzoshop to stock up their shops daily.

The Product:

The Product:

Redesign a new shopping experience for micro businesses that are largely informal

Redesign a new shopping experience for micro businesses that are largely informal

Redesign a new shopping experience for micro businesses that are largely informal

Redesign a new shopping experience for micro businesses that are largely informal

Background Research:

Background Research:

Methodological approach was taken to this non-linear design process.

Methodological approach was taken to this non-linear design process.

The Problem:

The Problem:

From the research carried our, I discovered a problem

From the research carried our, I discovered a problem

Solving the problem:

Solving the problem:

Now I began to immerse myself into the ways to solve the problem. One major way is using divergent method of thinking.

Now I began to immerse myself into the ways to solve the problem. One major way is using divergent method of thinking.

Research and insights:

Research and insights:

We went ahead to conduct user interviews to validate our problem solving idea

We went ahead to conduct user interviews to validate our problem solving idea

UX flows and IA:

UX flows and IA:

After carefully conducting my research and gathering insights, it was time to put all my findings into paper and start ideating solutions

After carefully conducting my research and gathering insights, it was time to put all my findings into paper and start ideating solutions

After carefully conducting my research and gathering insights, it was time to put all my findings into paper and start ideating solutions

After carefully conducting my research and gathering insights, it was time to put all my findings into paper and start ideating solutions

Wireframes and sketches:

Wireframes and sketches:

This prepared a strong foundation for high fidelity designs.

This prepared a strong foundation for high fidelity designs.

Final design:

Final design:

App designed and developed

Currently on Appstore and Playstore for download

Download Now

V2 of application is under development

The Results

The Results


Cooked & Chopped by Ayodeji Osindele ©2023




Cooked & Chopped by

Ayodeji Osindele ©2023




Cooked & Chopped by Ayodeji Osindele ©2023




Cooked & Chopped by Ayodeji Osindele ©2023

